Wednesday, August 25, 2010



IMHI is the system of relative integration of philosophical-Psycho-social-bio-mechanical, multi-concepts, multisystem, holistic, Multi-approach, cost effective and simple way of management of human illness and  assessment of well-being scientifically and humanly.

IMHI – covers the following subjects relatively and broadly as integrated concepts, knowledge and practices for better and easy management of human illness in view of personal- socio-economical and environmental background.

1.     It is a system of co-ordination relatively and related all motions of nature, society and mind.
2.     It is basically integrated with fundamental and scientific philosophical view of world and its contents that is dialectical materialistic view.
3.     It is related to holistic approach of various useful concepts, systems, practices and methods in the management of whole human and social illness in relation to human and his environment, from the beginning of history of human society up to-now.
4.     It is a dynamic, continuously changing, developing integrated concepts and practice of management of human health globally, in its accessibility, accessibility, affordability with simplicity.
5.     It is the unification of all the modalities or systems of human illness managements in our societies in scientific bases with effectiveness of their efficacy.
6.     It really coordinates the fundamental human social factors, like human thought process, human practices up on nature or environments and societies. And feedback of society and environments to human thought, attitude and practices.
7.     It shows that nothing is complete and isolated things, concepts, system and methods, practices. And needs integration for more worth-full achievement in the field of any human thought and practices and for understanding of laws of nature and human body and their relation with other various natural, social and human psycho- biological phenomena.
8.     It explains that the simplicity of working mechism of universe and its contents with complexity of their manifold inter relation. Like every human disease is differentiated and has specific as well vague manifestations. but all most all human disease have some basic and fundamental pathologic processes in nature ,that is vasculitis , there are fundamental role of  prime cytokine ,TNF-alpha IN THE HUMAN DISESE PATHOGENESIS AND THERE ARE FUNDAMENTAL ROLE OF MASTER CHEMICAL (Mg++ ), MASTER light therapy, UVBI,MASTER ANEROBIC EXERCISE ( YOGA ), VACCINATION PRINCIPLE ( LIKE KILLS LIKE ), OTHER VARIOUS NATUROTHAERAPIES,PSYCHOTHERAPY, HEALTH EDUCATION PROMOTIONS, PHILOSOPHICO-SOCIAL THERAPY.THESE ALL ARE ALL ROUNDER METHODS OF MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN ILLNESS.

9.     PHILOSOPICALLY – ITS BASIC PRINCIPLE IS THE KEY LAW OF DIALECTICS. UNITY AND STRUGGLE OF ONTRADICTIONS. THE KRDHAUGODA,S BASIC LAW OF DIALECTICS THAT IS Any event, system or unit contains opposite phenomena which are also connected relatively by means varying degree of reciprocal association dynamically with other sets of opposite phenomena again. FOR EXAMPLE.

Sunday, August 22, 2010




The solution of problem of HIV/ AIDS is either eradication of HIV from the body by means of newer techniques/ drugs or immune modulation ( increase CD4 count ) TO STOP TO DEVELOP AIDS IN INDIVIDUAL.




AIDS or HIV infection is one of the biggest problems in the worlds, including south East Asia region as well as development countries like Nepal. In Nepal nearly 60-62 thousands people are infected from HIV till now. By present medical knowledge, has not discovered the drugs for curative and the vaccine against HIV infection. There are only available antiretroviral drugs for HIV infection which just delays to develop AIDS in HIV infected people and do longer the life span of the people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). But these drugs need to take life long by the PLWHA, as well as very expensive for PLWHA of developing countries. In present times, in Nepal government has planned only providing ARV for less number PLWHA. In Nepal there is about 500-600 people PLWHA registered. Thus it is almost all impossible to take ARV by all the PLWHA of the developing countries. Due to monopoly of multinational drug companies, the cost of ARV is very expensive and they have bad attitude, thus they still don’t give the right to produce ARV in the developing countries in a low price. Another greatest fear is that ARV is being resisted and needs to take life long. Since there is a no curative way against HIV infection/AIDS, another alternative technique should be carried out in the field of solving this serious problem in the world. The research in this field is essential and the demand of present time, we have to fight against HIV/AIDS in various ways. Otherwise, our beautiful human society and history will be collapsed by near future.
To break through this serious HIV/AIDS problem in the world, we have to think creatively and have to review the history of medicine, which is overlooked by so called newer generation of health scientists.
It is clearly known that, specific bands of ultra violet rays absorbs by the microbes viruses and even living cells of human body. Basically the specific bands of photon absorber like some specific amino acid (tyrosine and phenylalanine) present five times more in the viruses and microbes than in normal human cells. Thus, viruses and microbes are primitive organism, which are readily destroyed by light.

To carry out this research one of the greatest problems is the costly procedure because it’s needed a good settlement as well as expensive devices and expensive labarotary blood testing e.g. PCR (viral activities,), CD4 count and many other special lab investigations. Huge amount of grants and the moral support from all the health institution and personalities are another essential factor to be available throughout the research.



AIDS is an end stage of HIV infection, which is caused by retrovirus namely human immuno-deficiency virus. In the world, especially south East Asia region including Nepal has increased in the number of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). AIDS is on e of the major killer infectious diseases, which kills million of people of the world per year. There are still not available of curative drugs as well as preventive vaccine. Only a few people of HIV infected people have got ARV in the developing countries for he longer life. ARV is expensive needed to take life long to span life but there is emerging of resistance of these drugs. In Nepal up to now only 25 HIV infected people have received ARV out of around 500-registered PLWHA. According to who data, there are nearly 62000 HIV infected people by 2004 January.

light therapy is a one of the old techniques, which has overlooked after discovering new vaccine and antibiotics after 1950. .

Statement of problem:

AIDS/HIV infection is a one of the major issue o talking and research matter in health sector of any country and globally. There are more than 40 millions people are HIV infected out of them about 4 million PLWHA are died of AIDS per year. In some of the African countries have half of there population suffering from HIV infection. These all pictures show, it is a worldwide problem more in developing countries and less in developed countries. Since there are no any effective curative drugs as well as preventive vaccine for HIV infection. The no. of infected people from HIV is being increased very fast. Thus it is a great hurry to carry out a research on curative and preventive techniques to stop this serious problem.
In Nepal especially in Dharan, Biratnagar and cities and village of Jhapa district, found more number of HIV infected people and drug abusers. There are much no. of drug addicts in Dharan, Biratnagar and cities of Jhapa. High prevalence of HIV/AIDS in these areas, mostly affected the youth people who are actively participated sexual activities as well as fall on drug abuse causing more fast transmission of HIV infection.
Since Nepal is a very poor country, PLWHA of this country and country itself can’t provide ARV for all registered PLWHA. From global fund, only 25 percent can able to get ARV up to now. Again there is a chance of development of ARV drug resistance, if there is irregularity of administration or by genetic mutation of HIV in time duration. ARV drugs are very expensive and this is very difficult to access these drugs for all PLWHA in Nepal and other developing countries.

Some fundamental laws govern the mechanism of photo chemical reactions are as follows.
(I) Albert Einstein's law of photo chemical equivalence =(States that each absorbs quantum should cause one light absorbing molecule to react photo chemically.
(II) Stokes Law :- States that 4th wavelength of secondary fitted rays one greater than the wavelength of the primary exciting rays.
(III) Bunsen-Roscoe Law :- States that a photochemical change is proportional to the intensity and duration of illumination (exposure of light).
(iv) Grotthus-Draper Law :- Status that only light that is absorbed can act chemically.
Biochemists utilizing the laws of physics explain the following “All energy and all living things emit light. The body's blood cell emit light, but a weak or diseased cell will emit more light than normal, thus render us them more attracted and susceptible to light”.
Two photo sensitive amino-acids phenylalanine and tyrosine, are (aromatic compound), present in all cells in varying degree Bacterial and viral cell (primitive cell) contains at least five times as much of these amino acids as healthy red and white blood cells. Thus bacterial and viral cells have a much higher degree of photoactive sensitivities. In additional these diseased cells, bacteria & virus about very high amount VU light causing destroy. The body then goes about natural process of elimination of this dead debris. But the healthy cells remain constant.

.“Don't just sit and watch
Join in the fight against AIDS”.

“Don't wastage your time just lighting ‘panus’ in seminars.
Spend your valuable time on lighting you intellectual mind,
and your lighted mind produces a powerful LIGHT Which fights against HIV that lives in Dark”.—DR. RK DHAUGODA

According to life cycle of HIV: the possible sites for intervention to stop to replicate the HIV are:

1. By preventing the fusion of HIV virus to cd4 receptor and by deactivating the co-receptor.
2. By inhibiting the reverse transcriptase enzyme
3. By inhibiting the integrase enzyme
4. By inhibiting the protease enzymes.
5. By killing /eradicating the latently infected cells e.g. macrophages
6. By removal or degradation of viral DNA segment from host cell DNA. By means photo reactivation repair of damage host cell DNA and by UV rays which damages viral genetic (DNA) material. In viral DNA more photo reactive amino acid e.g. tyrosine and phenylalanine 5 times more found in viral DNA than host cell DNA.
7. BY killing of free plasma viruses which prevents infections to new host cell.

By present knowledge: we can block just in three levels by using ARV
By inhibiting of fusion of HIV to CD4, by using from fusion inhibitor.
By inhibiting of the reverse transcriptase enzyme. By using AZT, Zalcitabin, Lamivudine, Nevirapine
By inhibiting the enzyme protease by using protease inhibitors e.g. Indinavir, Ritonavir

The major problem is the incurability of HIV infection, which is due to unable to disintegrate the HIV DNA from host DNA and hides for long times in the latently infected cells e.g. macrophages. Neuraglias etc. and that’s why we are being failed to eradicate HIV with presently available anti retro viral drugs.

Then it is necessary to find out another alternative technique to disintegrate the viral DNA from the host DNA, or killing of each latently infected cells as well all the other infected cells e.g. cd4 lymphocytes.

It may be the single most agent which is effective and inexpensive and more reliable and available device/technique and that makes possible to eliminate HIV by blocking every steps from 1-7th modes as mention above:
This single agent /procedure may be the light therapy.

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